Helse Bergen HF unlocks proven EAM at all hospitals in Helse Vest RHF

We are happy to welcome both MTA (clinical engineering) and BHM (home treatment) in Helse Bergen HF (Health Bergen / Haukeland University Hospital) as users of our enterprise asset management solution Medusa. Now is Medusa implemented in all four helse foretak in Helse Vest RHF.

By having an eye-opening solution as Medusa previously implemented at Helse Stavanger HF, Helse Fonna HF and Helse Førde HF, it was clear that this EAM solution fits the needs of Norwegian hospitals and people.

Medusa is made as an efficient asset and maintenance management solution primarily directed at healthcare businesses. We at SoftPro Medical Solution find it incredible to see how Medusa benefit our customers. None the less, being able to continue develop Medusa as we have done for more than 20 years in close cooperation with the healthcare segment.

We at SoftPro Medical Solutions are happy to continue our collaboration with and continue support of Medusa for Helse Vest RHF.

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